"I need a vacation" is the 3rd album by Ruddinn due to be relased Spring/Summer 2011.
The album contains 14 songs in total, 10 songs plus 4 remixes.
On the album Heida Eirksdóttir (Hellvar/Unun) contributes vocals with Ruddinn and also in 2 songs on her own. A few other people assist on the album; Jed Stephens co-wrote 2 tracks with Ruddinn, The Soulviper providing vocals on 1 track,
Elvar from Hellvar on bass in the track 'Cover the distance' and Gunnar Sigurdsson plays bass on 'The bitter reality'
Album was mixed by Oskar Pall Sveinsson, Aron Arnarsson, George Kant, Jed Stephens.
Final album mastering by Aron Arnarsson.